
Water Filters
You may want to look up information about how often to change various filters, opinions vary significantly. Different folks recommend replacing water filters anywhere from every 3 months to once a year or even only when the water flow slows down too much. Personally I would probably do it a couple times per year. An important issue with water filters is that they trap and eventually grown stuff inside, so it’s not only how much you use it but how long it’s been in there.


Air Filters
For your air conditioners, are a very different matter in that how old they are isn’t considered much of an issue as far as I know. How much you use your air conditioners is an important factor as to how soon they will get “filled up” with dust etc. and you would benefit from changing them. For some people it may be worth changing the air filters monthly, for others once a year may be okay. Another factor would be what how good of a filter you want to use. The typical cheap filters only remove the big stuff (typically called 7% filters) and don’t get full as fast. A better filter may remove as much as 70% of the stuff in the air, and will fill up and need changing much quicker.

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