
Creia/Ashi vs “The Best Home Inspections”

If you are still wondering why “The Best Home Inspections” is better than a typical Creia or Ashi inspection, consider this:

We are the only inspectors that we know of that do these things: We don’t just look at things but Operate the Doors, Windows and Cabinets. We test the Temperatures, Performance and Effect of Heating and Air Conditioning. We test the Temperature of Refrigerators, Freezers, Warmers and Ovens. We inspect throughout the building using an Infrared camera, this helps find Water and Heating and Air Conditioning problems. We use a Moisture meter to check for water around Toilets, Showers and other suspect areas. We plug a Tester into all accessible electrical outlets to make sure they are wired correctly.

Items* inspected include: electrical outlet, switch, light, faucet, shut off valve, drain, sink, counter top, cabinet, window, door, floor, wall, ceiling, roof and foundation, heater, air conditioner, water heater.


Creia/Ashi VS “The Best Home Inspections”
In some cases only 4 of each Item needs to be inspected, in others only 1 of each item per room. That means that if they look at 4 outlets they are done checking outlets. This is in their written guidelines. All seen and accessible items are inspected.
Items only visually inspected. Items are Operational, Performance, Infrared or Electromagnetic Wave tested as appropriate. You cannot tell very much about an outlet, faucet or window without operating it, plugging in an outlet tester or measuring the temperature of an appliance.
Moisture Detection is usually Not Included. A G.E. Surveymaster Moisture is used to check around many of the common water leak areas including plumbing fixtures, exterior doors, windows and checking stains or damage on ceilings and walls. This not only avoids having to refer to a Mold Inspector just to find out if something is currently damp but the Meter is also finding many water problems that are not visible to the naked eye, representing possibly significant saving to clients.
Infrared Camera inspection is usually Not Included. We inspect throughout the building using an Infrared camera, this helps find Water, Heating and Air Conditioning problems. In many cases these issues are virtually impossible to find or show without this expensive equipment.
Report is filled with information that you probably do not need or want to pay for. Examples include that the driveway is concrete and the house has a wooden frame with stucco on it, the fences are made of wood etc.. Only items that interest customers and which they would not know on their own are reported, basically the type of plumbing, type of wiring, type and general quality of the roofing and similar.
Report is filled with a several page glossary. Report is written in American English. No glossary needed to understand it or to make it look bigger.
Usually no pictures. The few reports that we have seen with pictures have them in a separate section of the report so that you can have fun flipping back and forth from the picture to the text. All items are reported with pictures next to the text, like a magazine, for easier understanding.
Little information is given about problems found. The standard is a check list, often only stating only Good – Fair – Poor. Checking poor next to the Master Bathroom Faucet means that something is wrong with it. All problems are described in plain English so that you, your Broker and your Contractor can all understand what the issue is. Pictures are next to the text to help make it clear, since some of the places we look you may have never seen before.
Problems not diagnosed. Problems are diagnosed, to the extent possible during the brief period of an inspection. If all that is usually needed to cure a type of Faucet leak is to tighten a fitting, then we tell you. If it appears that the faucet needs replacing because it is beyond repair then we tell you that.
This link jumps to
Ashi Guidelines
Do a “Find on Page” for “Representative Number“and the definition is about the 5th occurrence that comes up.
Not checking all the items on the majority of homes could lead to expensive repairs and we have seen this happen numerous times.
This link jumps to
Creias definitions page
Do a “Find on Page” for “Representative Number“and the definition is the 2nd occurrence that comes up.
Not checking all the items on the majority of homes could lead to expensive repairs and we have seen this happen numerous times.